Online Course

Learn the first practical and useful methods in statistics: how to describe your data and make convincing graphics and plots that illustrate your findings and your ideas.
This one-day course is free of charge.
Describe and Visualize
This course will review several aspects of data description and visualization. This will open the way to grasp the basic concepts used in statistics.
At the end of this one-day course, you will have seen and heard most of the important vocabulary in typical data description. You will know how to best summarize your data and what to use or not to use for this purpose. You will have seen different kinds of plots and understood what is the best for the different type of data. Moreover, we will spend also some time considering what could be a misleading visualization.
The participants attending the course for the entire duration will receive a copy of the lecture notes.
This course is open to everyone interested and is free of charge.
We start at 9am and finish at 4pm, including a lunch break and many short breaks.
The date of this course is not yet fixed.
But you can register now with your email address to keep updated: